
Jockey Robby Alvarado is in deep reflection as he takes an FLS steed to the post.

Is there a timetable when they will run?

That always depends on the specific horse. We prefer athletes, regardless of when they might be ready to race. With two-year olds one must practice patience. You cannot force them to do more than they are capable of before it is their time. The goal is always the same: we select two-year olds we believe can develop into a champion three-year old.

It really doesn't matter when the horse gets there, as long as when the gate springs open on the three-year old season the horse is in it! That's when Derby and Stake races provide the greatest opportunity for fame, glory, and purses.

If we purchase two or three babies, the likelihood is not all will develop at the same pace. It is just like people who march to the beat of their own drum. It is conceivable that one of the babies could earn its way into Monmouth Park's Sapling or the Sorority. And, if we really want to raise the bar, we might be fortunate enough to find a precocious youngster capable of shipping to Saratoga to run in the Hopeful. The cardinal rule is you must practice patience to be successful with a two-year old.

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